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'Violet Landscape' Coloured Poplar 'Violet Landscape' Coloured Poplar 'Violet Landscape' Coloured Poplar

'Violet Landscape' Coloured Poplar

I found a butt of Quilted Poplar in the woodyard I buy trees from occasionally, it was 2.8m long and about a metre in diameter and there was a patch of bark missing and I could see the exposed surface undulated quite dramatically.

I found a butt of Quilted Poplar in the woodyard I buy trees from occasionally, it was 2.8m long and about a metre in diameter and there was a patch of bark missing and I could see the exposed surface undulated quite dramatically.

I cut a slice off the end and brought it back to the workshop where I cut it into the right sized blanks. Although the wood is highly figured in it's natural state it doesn't stand out, this is the reason that I colour them with lightfast dyes so that the figure stands out. It has an English Holly with a 16tpi handthreaded lid ensuring a secure closure. ''

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